Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Vintage postcards

I found some lovely postcards in Boyes in Scarborough. Boyes is a shop that sells an assortment of cheap things from end of line shampoos, fishing equipment, ribbon, curtains, gardening stuff, toys and basically all of those bits of bobs you never knew you needed. It's known by some people as a bit of a dump but it's got all of the odd things you need in one place. 

I went in to get some new buttons but at 39p each these were an absolute steal so I bought 7 of them! In the blog I did back in March on my trip to Scarborough there were lots of beautiful old buildings - this is the nicest Boyes building I've ever seen- most of them are in 1970s style shopping centres!


  1. Lovely designs. Remind me of the vintage London Transport Museum posters, like this one (but there are SO MANY good ones): http://www.ltmuseumshop.co.uk/posters/gallery/product/unframed/poster/brightest-london-and-home-by-underground-horace-taylor-1924.html

  2. The London prints are all lovely- it would be good to have a couple framed!
